Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

DiskMax Aplikasi Pembersih Powerfull Dan Gratis

Hai sobat Kang Tahu , pagi ini ane mau share aplikasi cleaner kesukaan ane yaitu DiskMax aplikasi ini ringan size kecil gratis pula, namun dengan fitur yang power full , berikut fitu-fitur diambil dari web-nya:

  1. Automates emptying your recycle bin (if specified), cleaning up of installation remnants, and debugging information.
  2. Cleans up every user's History, Temp, Temporary Internet Files, Cookies (if specified), Recently opened documents list, explorer thumbnail cache and windows error reporting logs.
  3. Clears out Windows cache, unused legacy cursors (on Vista, if specified), debugging info, internet logs, help center caches, repair information, DLL caches, Logs, temporary files and windows update roll-back files.
  4. Cleans up after Vista SP1/SP2 install and Windows 7 SP1 install (if specified).
  5. Removes registry entries for multiple Most Recently Used lists.
  6. Clears out Windows event logs (no other application out there does this).
  7. Gives you the option to deep scan your hard-disk to remove all files of type log, old, prv, chk, swp, bak, gid, wbk, tmp and dmp. This is only intended for advanced users.
  8. Rearranges files around so that they can be accessed faster.
Dan berikut ini screenshootnya :

DiskMax Aplikasi Pembersih Powerfull Dan Gratis
DiskMax Cleaner

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